Controls 8 Groups of RGB LEDs with individual 8-bit PWM, which is 16 million color combinations. Color sequences are set in software, uses a momentary push button to cycle through the sequences. The color sequence is saved to EEPROM so it can resume where it left off when powered off/on.
Great for Infinity Mirrors, lamps, case mods, ect.
Standard Board is 2.5" x 3" x 1". Built in voltage regulator. Built to power up to 64 RGB LEDs in 8 groups. All LEDs run off 5 volts.
This kit is discontinued in favor of a more advanced controller. Visit 48 Channel Mono / 16 Channel RGB LED Controller Webpage It controls many more
RGB LED channels, can be controlled through USB and has many more features.
Full directions for construction can be found on Instructables.